Looking for something to read? Just choose a book (or 2) and we’ll deliver it right to your doorstep.
How to reserve your book:
Click on the Book List button below to find the book you want
Check the status to see if it is already out
Email us at with your name, address, phone number & the book(s) you would like
If the book is out you can ask to be added to the wait list
We will be in touch with delivery information
Once you are finished reading the book just send us an email and we will arrange to pick it up.
You may keep the book as long as you need to but please be mindful that others may be waiting to read it.
This service is being provided as a courtesy to our members during the COVID-19 restrictions and closure of the Centre. Processes may change once the Centre resumes in-person activity.
Please check back regularly as new books will be added on an ongoing basis.
​Note: The Charleswood 55 Plus Active Living Centre does not endorse the authors, their views or the content of the books listed.