Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why join the Centre?
Is there a specific age requirement to become a member of the Centre?
How do I get to the Centre?
How do I register?
How can I pay?
Where do I park?
How do I become a volunteer?
How do we decide the costs of programs?
1. Why join the Centre?
The Centre is a great place to meet new friends, pursue your interests, hobbies, try some new activities and stay physically active. Membership benefits include:
Opportunity to participate in all the programs, many of which are not offered to non-members.
Receive a discounted price on instructional programs such as fitness classes, art classes or special events.
Priority when registering for programs and classes that are open to non-members.
Membership fees help ensure the viability of the Centre.
And much more!
2. Is there a specific age requirement to become a member of the Centre?
You can become a member no matter your age. Most of our programming is geared towards older adults. However, all are welcome to join and participate in the fitness classes, special events and programs the Centre offers.
3. How do I get to the Centre?
We are located at 5006 Roblin Blvd in the Municipal Building. Our office is located at the back on the building on the main floor and is most easily accessed off of Harstone Rd.
4. How do I register?
Registration for programs and special events is easy. Just click on the Register Now button on our Website or call the office at 204-897-5263. Fitness registration takes place September, January and April on a first come, first serve basis, but you can sign up at any time if there is still room in the class. Check the Newsletter or call the office for registration information.
5. How can I pay?
The Centre will take cheques, cash or credit card (Visa, Mastercard) when paying for programs. If you are paying for multiple programs at once, you can write it all on one cheque.
6. Where Do I Park?

Our main parking lot is off of Harstone Rd. See the map below. There is also some parking off of Roblin Blvd. beside the Old Library. We are also located on a major bus route.
7. How Do I Become A Volunteer?
Volunteers are an essential part of the Centre. Volunteer opportunities are ever evolving at the Centre. Some of our volunteer opportunities include baking treats for our bake sales, wrapping presents for our Christmas hamper, helping with special events and sitting on committees. If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact the office. There are many different ways you can become involved, and any amount of time you are willing to donate is greatly appreciated.
8. How Do We Decide the Costs of Programs?
The Centre does everything possible to keep costs low. We charge the minimum amount for programs and fitness classes required to cover the cost of instructors and presenters. The grants and funding that the Centre receives does not cover all the expenses to keep the doors open.